Trợ lý AI trên n8n giúp bạn xử lý nhiều tác vụ quan trọng một cách tự động, bao gồm:
🔹 Email: Viết, soạn thảo, gửi, lưu nháp, truy xuất email, gắn nhãn…
🔹 Nghiên cứu & giải đáp: Tìm kiếm thông tin, nghiên cứu dữ liệu theo yêu cầu.
🔹 Lên lịch & họp: Đặt lịch, điều chỉnh, sắp xếp cuộc họp dễ dàng.
🔹 Content mạng xã hội: Viết bài đăng Facebook, tối ưu nội dung.
🔹 Quản lý liên hệ: Lưu trữ, tìm kiếm thông tin khách hàng & đối tác.
Các bạn thêm lần lượt các code Json sau vào n8n:
"name": "Calendar Agent 1.0",
"nodes": [
"parameters": {
"model": "gpt-4o-2024-11-20",
"options": {}
"id": "01b96f53-14cd-4603-bc75-e17504372d12",
"name": "OpenAI Chat Model",
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.lmChatOpenAi",
"typeVersion": 1,
"position": [
"credentials": {
"openAiApi": {
"id": "dcbTc0WvOYgvb32D",
"name": "OpenAi account"
"parameters": {
"assignments": {
"assignments": [
"id": "7ab380a2-a8d3-421c-ab4e-748ea8fb7904",
"name": "response",
"value": "Unable to perform task. Please try again.",
"type": "string"
"options": {}
"id": "2be283a5-0840-47a0-b841-82589a19f4e5",
"name": "Try Again",
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.set",
"typeVersion": 3.4,
"position": [
"parameters": {
"assignments": {
"assignments": [
"id": "39c2f302-03be-4464-a17a-d7cc481d6d44",
"name": "=response",
"value": "={{$json.output}}",
"type": "string"
"options": {}
"id": "d1df69b3-b714-44ed-8791-c62773472e44",
"name": "Success",
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.set",
"typeVersion": 3.4,
"position": [
"parameters": {
"promptType": "define",
"text": "={{ $json.query }}",
"options": {
"systemMessage": "=# Overview\nYou are a calendar assistant. Your responsibilities include creating, getting, and deleting events in the user's calendar.\n\nAll the output need to be in Vietnamese.\n\n**Calendar Management Tools** \n - Use \"Create Event with Attendee\" when an event includes a participant. \n - Use \"Create Event\" for solo events. \n - Use \"Get Events\" to fetch calendar schedules when requested.\n - Use \"Delete Event\" to delete an event. You must use \"Get Events\" first to get the ID of the event to delete.\n - Use \"Update Event\" to update an event. You must use \"Get Events\" first to get the ID of the event to update.\n\n## Final Notes\nHere is the current date/time: {{ $now }}\nIf a duration for an event isn't specified, assume it will be one hour."
"id": "c5cb0ac1-e08f-4420-bc09-d39ff19a21d5",
"name": "Calendar Agent",
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.agent",
"typeVersion": 1.6,
"position": [
"onError": "continueErrorOutput"
"parameters": {
"calendar": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "[email protected]",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Cá nhân planning - test"
"start": "={{ $fromAI(\"eventStart\") }}",
"end": "={{ $fromAI(\"eventEnd\") }}",
"additionalFields": {
"attendees": [
"={{ $fromAI(\"eventAttendeeEmail\") }}"
"description": "={{ /*n8n-auto-generated-fromAI-override*/ $fromAI('Description', `Mô tả của event là nội dung của lịch đấy một cách chi tiết hơn, giới hạn trong 20 words đổ lại.`, 'string') }}",
"summary": "={{ /*n8n-auto-generated-fromAI-override*/ $fromAI('Summary', `Nội dung buổi họp (title cuộc họp) là chủ đề của cuộc họp một cách vắn tắt, không nên quá 10 chữ (10 words).`, 'string') }}"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.googleCalendarTool",
"typeVersion": 1.3,
"position": [
"id": "5e56259d-e641-4b17-8f2d-bbb764536abe",
"name": "Create Event with Attendee",
"credentials": {
"googleCalendarOAuth2Api": {
"id": "1GkGV47gvqvbGMJA",
"name": "Google Calendar account"
"parameters": {
"calendar": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "[email protected]",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Cá nhân planning - test"
"start": "={{ $fromAI(\"eventStart\") }}",
"end": "={{ $fromAI(\"eventEnd\") }}",
"useDefaultReminders": "={{ /*n8n-auto-generated-fromAI-override*/ $fromAI('Use_Default_Reminders', `nhắc nhở 10 phút trước khi có task`, 'boolean') }}",
"additionalFields": {
"attendees": [],
"description": "={{ /*n8n-auto-generated-fromAI-override*/ $fromAI('Description', `Mô tả của event là nội dung của lịch đấy một cách chi tiết hơn, giới hạn trong 20 words đổ lại.`, 'string') }}",
"summary": "={{ /*n8n-auto-generated-fromAI-override*/ $fromAI('Summary', `Nội dung buổi họp (title cuộc họp) là chủ đề của cuộc họp một cách vắn tắt, không nên quá 10 chữ (10 words).`, 'string') }}"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.googleCalendarTool",
"typeVersion": 1.3,
"position": [
"id": "ce58a648-9e4f-48f1-81b8-a51ca7059268",
"name": "Create Event",
"credentials": {
"googleCalendarOAuth2Api": {
"id": "1GkGV47gvqvbGMJA",
"name": "Google Calendar account"
"parameters": {
"operation": "getAll",
"calendar": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "[email protected]",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Cá nhân planning - test"
"timeMin": "={{ $fromAI(\"dayBefore\",\"the day before the date the user requested\") }}",
"timeMax": "={{ $fromAI(\"dayAfter\",\"the day after the date the user requested\") }}",
"options": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.googleCalendarTool",
"typeVersion": 1.3,
"position": [
"id": "54087c73-c0f9-4390-b029-b3044db4672a",
"name": "Get Events",
"credentials": {
"googleCalendarOAuth2Api": {
"id": "1GkGV47gvqvbGMJA",
"name": "Google Calendar account"
"parameters": {
"operation": "delete",
"calendar": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "[email protected]",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Cá nhân planning - test"
"eventId": "={{ $fromAI(\"eventID\") }}",
"options": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.googleCalendarTool",
"typeVersion": 1.3,
"position": [
"id": "ba593ef9-cf03-4fb0-80b0-c9ecac5029f4",
"name": "Delete Event",
"credentials": {
"googleCalendarOAuth2Api": {
"id": "1GkGV47gvqvbGMJA",
"name": "Google Calendar account"
"parameters": {
"operation": "update",
"calendar": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "[email protected]",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Cá nhân planning - test"
"eventId": "={{ $fromAI(\"eventID\") }}",
"updateFields": {
"end": "={{ $fromAI(\"endTime\") }}",
"start": "={{ $fromAI(\"startTime\") }}"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.googleCalendarTool",
"typeVersion": 1.3,
"position": [
"id": "b0be5e4f-3b0b-45ab-a569-b9df563f519b",
"name": "Update Event",
"credentials": {
"googleCalendarOAuth2Api": {
"id": "1GkGV47gvqvbGMJA",
"name": "Google Calendar account"
"parameters": {
"inputSource": "passthrough"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.executeWorkflowTrigger",
"typeVersion": 1.1,
"position": [
"id": "c173779e-3153-420b-aa8b-eb11f709ea13",
"name": "When Executed by Another Workflow"
"pinData": {},
"connections": {
"OpenAI Chat Model": {
"ai_languageModel": [
"node": "Calendar Agent",
"type": "ai_languageModel",
"index": 0
"Calendar Agent": {
"main": [
"node": "Success",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"node": "Try Again",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Create Event with Attendee": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Calendar Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Create Event": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Calendar Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Get Events": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Calendar Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Delete Event": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Calendar Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Update Event": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Calendar Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"When Executed by Another Workflow": {
"main": [
"node": "Calendar Agent",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"active": false,
"settings": {
"executionOrder": "v1"
"versionId": "9bffb508-109c-4756-9ef6-5a65f8008df0",
"meta": {
"templateCredsSetupCompleted": true,
"instanceId": "c6957cc8da1f18458e581bcb559195e32f29552d5fe4402753e1b7a753c4a4c6"
"id": "fWghMjWWOLfsNbwg",
"tags": []
"name": "Email Action Hub",
"nodes": [
"parameters": {
"assignments": {
"assignments": [
"id": "7ab380a2-a8d3-421c-ab4e-748ea8fb7904",
"name": "response",
"value": "Unable to perform task. Please try again.",
"type": "string"
"options": {}
"id": "a14be712-4655-4967-98e6-2987c7ef0677",
"name": "Try Again",
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.set",
"typeVersion": 3.4,
"position": [
"parameters": {
"assignments": {
"assignments": [
"id": "39c2f302-03be-4464-a17a-d7cc481d6d44",
"name": "=response",
"value": "={{$json.output}}",
"type": "string"
"options": {}
"id": "30c12772-add8-43b6-8358-449e6ecea22e",
"name": "Success",
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.set",
"typeVersion": 3.4,
"position": [
"parameters": {
"promptType": "define",
"text": "={{ $json.query }}",
"options": {
"systemMessage": "=# Overview\nYou are an email management assistant for me. All emails must be formatted professionally in HTML and signed off as \"Vincent Do.\" \n\nAll the output need to be in Vietnamese.\n\n**Email Management Tools** \n - Use \"Send Email\" to send emails. \n - Use \"Create Draft\" if the user asks for a draft. \n - Use \"Get Emails\" to retrieve emails when requested.\n - Use \"Get Labels\" to retrieve labels.\n - Use \"Mark Unread\" to mark an email as unread. You must use \"Get Emails\" first so you have the message ID of the email to flag.\n - Use \"Label Email\" to flag an email. You must use \"Get Emails\" first so you have the message ID of the email to flag. Then you must use \"Get Labels\" so you have the label ID.\n - Use \"Email Reply\" to reply to an email. You must use \"Get Emails\" first so you have the message ID of the email to reply to.\n\n## Knowledge about me\n\nI'm the CEO & Cofunder of GTV SEO Agency and CAIO (Chief AI Offiecer) & Cofounder of The AI Growht (TAG). My Name is Đỗ Anh Việt (Vincent Do in English)\n\nMy specialty is in AI, Automation, SEO, Inbound Marketing, Content marketing. I'm from Vietnam. \n\nAs A personal assistant, you should deliver the professional, authority & expert tone for me, but also you need to be friendly. \n\n### Requirement when writing email.\nNội dung viết email được xưng hô chủ yếu bằng đại từ \"Việt\" (Tức Vincent Do/hay bản thân tôi), và tên của người được gửi (Firstname), xưng hô bằng Mr / Ms. \n\nGiọng văn viết mail vừa thân thiên nhưng vừa chuyên nghiệp.\n\nAll the output need to be in Vietnamese.\n## Final Notes\n- Here is the current date/time: {{ $now }}"
"id": "60c4d127-991a-4fc3-94f8-89c2d16f5718",
"name": "Email Agent",
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.agent",
"typeVersion": 1.6,
"position": [
"onError": "continueErrorOutput"
"parameters": {
"sendTo": "={{ $fromAI(\"emailAddress\") }}",
"subject": "={{ $fromAI(\"subject\") }}",
"message": "={{ $fromAI(\"emailBody\") }}",
"options": {
"appendAttribution": false
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.gmailTool",
"typeVersion": 2.1,
"position": [
"id": "6ee9ad3e-01c2-4a96-9175-f0e16689d0d8",
"name": "Send Email",
"webhookId": "86c8c4b1-13bb-4ebe-acb9-30e1d7082d55",
"credentials": {
"gmailOAuth2": {
"id": "Cq4Y3dybNBQG0LVc",
"name": "Gmail account"
"parameters": {
"operation": "getAll",
"limit": "={{ $fromAI(\"limit\",\"how many emails the user wants\") }}",
"simple": false,
"filters": {
"sender": "={{ $fromAI(\"sender\",\"who the emails are from\") }}"
"options": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.gmailTool",
"typeVersion": 2.1,
"position": [
"id": "ebaea91b-986e-4f2d-8b7d-8417b504c34b",
"name": "Get Emails",
"webhookId": "af4b3298-9037-44b0-aa12-2acbfbb5e66f",
"credentials": {
"gmailOAuth2": {
"id": "Cq4Y3dybNBQG0LVc",
"name": "Gmail account"
"parameters": {
"resource": "draft",
"subject": "={{ $fromAI(\"subject\") }}",
"emailType": "html",
"message": "={{ $fromAI(\"emailBody\") }}",
"options": {
"sendTo": "={{ $fromAI(\"emailAddress\") }}"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.gmailTool",
"typeVersion": 2.1,
"position": [
"id": "e59a3976-a58d-41ad-a06e-d5da5b3f0774",
"name": "Create Draft",
"webhookId": "17016bce-d7d7-428a-a56c-f6ea122db8be",
"credentials": {
"gmailOAuth2": {
"id": "Cq4Y3dybNBQG0LVc",
"name": "Gmail account"
"parameters": {
"operation": "reply",
"messageId": "={{ $fromAI(\"ID\",\"the message ID\") }}",
"message": "={{ $fromAI(\"emailBody\") }}",
"options": {
"appendAttribution": false
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.gmailTool",
"typeVersion": 2.1,
"position": [
"id": "e3902152-df99-4676-86fb-a03c7be7cd8e",
"name": "Email Reply",
"webhookId": "114785e6-a859-432b-81b4-c490c1c35b1c",
"credentials": {
"gmailOAuth2": {
"id": "Cq4Y3dybNBQG0LVc",
"name": "Gmail account"
"parameters": {
"resource": "label",
"returnAll": true
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.gmailTool",
"typeVersion": 2.1,
"position": [
"id": "840f10a6-5d83-47b8-882a-1b2e705b8be4",
"name": "Get Labels",
"webhookId": "9e08b59e-792d-4566-83f1-9263c9ad86ae",
"credentials": {
"gmailOAuth2": {
"id": "Cq4Y3dybNBQG0LVc",
"name": "Gmail account"
"parameters": {
"operation": "addLabels",
"messageId": "={{ $fromAI(\"ID\",\"the ID of the message\") }}",
"labelIds": "={{ $fromAI(\"labelID\") }}"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.gmailTool",
"typeVersion": 2.1,
"position": [
"id": "04c45d2d-6ae3-47c8-8646-89124ca5b70d",
"name": "Label Emails",
"webhookId": "0e951529-2e6d-40bf-ac40-fc0947e242e2",
"credentials": {
"gmailOAuth2": {
"id": "Cq4Y3dybNBQG0LVc",
"name": "Gmail account"
"parameters": {
"operation": "markAsUnread",
"messageId": "={{ $fromAI(\"messageID\") }}"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.gmailTool",
"typeVersion": 2.1,
"position": [
"id": "f86c16e6-25b1-4bcb-a041-f3b834ef67cb",
"name": "Mark Unread",
"webhookId": "a35af9d8-f67d-4ff9-803f-59ec6356e795",
"credentials": {
"gmailOAuth2": {
"id": "Cq4Y3dybNBQG0LVc",
"name": "Gmail account"
"parameters": {
"inputSource": "passthrough"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.executeWorkflowTrigger",
"typeVersion": 1.1,
"position": [
"id": "5c88c11d-68fc-43f7-959b-1990f1e65f20",
"name": "When Executed by Another Workflow"
"parameters": {
"model": "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022",
"options": {}
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.lmChatAnthropic",
"typeVersion": 1.2,
"position": [
"id": "ad8ac214-ec5e-42a3-8075-ceeff9885ef9",
"name": "Anthropic Chat Model",
"credentials": {
"anthropicApi": {
"id": "Paj2wKS1JlwKqXSt",
"name": "Anthropic account"
"pinData": {},
"connections": {
"Email Agent": {
"main": [
"node": "Success",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"node": "Try Again",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Send Email": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Email Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Email Reply": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Email Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Get Emails": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Email Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Create Draft": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Email Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Get Labels": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Email Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Label Emails": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Email Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Mark Unread": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Email Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"When Executed by Another Workflow": {
"main": [
"node": "Email Agent",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Anthropic Chat Model": {
"ai_languageModel": [
"node": "Email Agent",
"type": "ai_languageModel",
"index": 0
"active": false,
"settings": {
"executionOrder": "v1"
"versionId": "c32ac87a-84d3-4596-bfde-87f51494faac",
"meta": {
"templateCredsSetupCompleted": true,
"instanceId": "c6957cc8da1f18458e581bcb559195e32f29552d5fe4402753e1b7a753c4a4c6"
"id": "aJknYC4mSMIK4Mo3",
"tags": []
"name": "Get Contact",
"nodes": [
"parameters": {
"model": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "gpt-4o-2024-11-20",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "gpt-4o-2024-11-20"
"options": {}
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.lmChatOpenAi",
"typeVersion": 1.2,
"position": [
"id": "6545eca3-8d8e-4205-be22-9948cf75c5a3",
"name": "OpenAI Chat Model",
"credentials": {
"openAiApi": {
"id": "dcbTc0WvOYgvb32D",
"name": "OpenAi account"
"parameters": {
"promptType": "define",
"text": "={{ $json.query }}",
"options": {
"systemMessage": "=# Overview\nYou are a contact management assistant. Your responsibilities include looking up contacts, adding new contacts, or updating a contact's information.\n\nwhen you update the conacts, you don't need to fill out all the information that is in database, just fill out the information that you are given\n\nAll the output need to be in Vietnamese.\n**Contact Management** \n - Use \"Get Contacts\" to retrieve contact information. \n - Use \"Add or Update Contact\" to store new contact information or modify existing entries. \n - Use \"notes\" when you need to leave some note that corresponding to the contact as the user request."
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.agent",
"typeVersion": 1.7,
"position": [
"id": "6f46f33e-814c-4457-9667-f880cd86b935",
"name": "Contact Agent",
"onError": "continueErrorOutput"
"parameters": {
"assignments": {
"assignments": [
"id": "4f360190-a717-4a93-8336-d03ea65975d5",
"name": "response",
"value": "={{ $json.output }}",
"type": "string"
"options": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.set",
"typeVersion": 3.4,
"position": [
"id": "2bdf1c85-80b5-4be1-a6b1-45f01723c690",
"name": "Response"
"parameters": {
"assignments": {
"assignments": [
"id": "4f360190-a717-4a93-8336-d03ea65975d5",
"name": "response",
"value": "An error occurred. Please try again.",
"type": "string"
"options": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.set",
"typeVersion": 3.4,
"position": [
"id": "05ece786-057b-4d30-a395-7aa82bdbf59d",
"name": "Try Again"
"parameters": {
"inputSource": "passthrough"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.executeWorkflowTrigger",
"typeVersion": 1.1,
"position": [
"id": "9f59a38b-3469-4c05-a8e6-78596ce25d82",
"name": "When Executed by Another Workflow"
"parameters": {
"documentId": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "1iicmMTFbe7ZOIpHw5WITjEiwc2Y6Hw-7b35AGfx7okY",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Contact Assistant",
"cachedResultUrl": ""
"sheetName": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "gid=0",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Sheet1",
"cachedResultUrl": ""
"filtersUI": {
"values": [
"lookupColumn": "Họ và Tên",
"lookupValue": "={{ $fromAI(\"name\") }}"
"lookupColumn": "Email",
"lookupValue": "={{ $fromAI(\"emailAdress\") }}"
"combineFilters": "OR",
"options": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.googleSheetsTool",
"typeVersion": 4.5,
"position": [
"id": "e9fea435-250e-498e-a17f-50757a833877",
"name": "Get contact",
"credentials": {
"googleSheetsOAuth2Api": {
"id": "ihRWQkgtRjoeiluj",
"name": "Google Sheets account"
"parameters": {
"descriptionType": "manual",
"operation": "appendOrUpdate",
"documentId": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "1iicmMTFbe7ZOIpHw5WITjEiwc2Y6Hw-7b35AGfx7okY",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Contact Assistant",
"cachedResultUrl": ""
"sheetName": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "gid=0",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Sheet1",
"cachedResultUrl": ""
"columns": {
"mappingMode": "defineBelow",
"value": {
"Họ và Tên": "={{ /*n8n-auto-generated-fromAI-override*/ $fromAI('H__v__T_n__using_to_match_', ``, 'string') }}",
"Email": "={{ $fromAI(\"emailAddress\") }}",
"Công Ty": "={{ $fromAI(\"company\") }}",
"Số Điện Thoại": "={{ $fromAI(\"phonenumber\") }}",
"Note": "={{ $fromAI(\"notes\") }}"
"matchingColumns": [
"Họ và Tên"
"schema": [
"id": "Họ và Tên",
"displayName": "Họ và Tên",
"required": false,
"defaultMatch": false,
"display": true,
"type": "string",
"canBeUsedToMatch": true,
"removed": false
"id": "Email",
"displayName": "Email",
"required": false,
"defaultMatch": false,
"display": true,
"type": "string",
"canBeUsedToMatch": true
"id": "Công Ty",
"displayName": "Công Ty",
"required": false,
"defaultMatch": false,
"display": true,
"type": "string",
"canBeUsedToMatch": true
"id": "Số Điện Thoại",
"displayName": "Số Điện Thoại",
"required": false,
"defaultMatch": false,
"display": true,
"type": "string",
"canBeUsedToMatch": true
"id": "Note",
"displayName": "Note",
"required": false,
"defaultMatch": false,
"display": true,
"type": "string",
"canBeUsedToMatch": true
"attemptToConvertTypes": false,
"convertFieldsToString": false
"options": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.googleSheetsTool",
"typeVersion": 4.5,
"position": [
"id": "f036f91f-5eff-4206-9ca9-e1843e1a0bf1",
"name": "update a contact",
"credentials": {
"googleSheetsOAuth2Api": {
"id": "ihRWQkgtRjoeiluj",
"name": "Google Sheets account"
"pinData": {},
"connections": {
"OpenAI Chat Model": {
"ai_languageModel": [
"node": "Contact Agent",
"type": "ai_languageModel",
"index": 0
"Contact Agent": {
"main": [
"node": "Response",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"node": "Try Again",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"When Executed by Another Workflow": {
"main": [
"node": "Contact Agent",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Get contact": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Contact Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"update a contact": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Contact Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"active": false,
"settings": {
"executionOrder": "v1"
"versionId": "9a38e104-be4d-4424-8f75-79f53c424200",
"meta": {
"templateCredsSetupCompleted": true,
"instanceId": "c6957cc8da1f18458e581bcb559195e32f29552d5fe4402753e1b7a753c4a4c6"
"id": "p0SgjMYCFzUJ6NQd",
"tags": []
"name": "Research Automation - Content Social Creation",
"nodes": [
"parameters": {
"toolDescription": "Use this tool to search the internet",
"method": "POST",
"url": "",
"sendBody": true,
"specifyBody": "json",
"jsonBody": "{\n \"api_key\": \"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\",\n \"query\": \"{searchTerm}\",\n \"search_depth\": \"basic\",\n \"include_answer\": true,\n \"topic\": \"news\",\n \"include_raw_content\": true,\n \"max_results\": 3\n} ",
"placeholderDefinitions": {
"values": [
"name": "searchTerm",
"description": "What the user has requested to write a blog about",
"type": "string"
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.toolHttpRequest",
"typeVersion": 1.1,
"position": [
"id": "0bc6e017-fb60-40f0-8253-f27a03ba0911",
"name": "Tavily"
"parameters": {
"options": {}
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.lmChatAnthropic",
"typeVersion": 1.2,
"position": [
"id": "52ea4cf4-edf1-4dde-9406-96f12f63367a",
"name": "Anthropic Chat Model",
"credentials": {
"anthropicApi": {
"id": "Paj2wKS1JlwKqXSt",
"name": "Anthropic account"
"parameters": {
"assignments": {
"assignments": [
"id": "14d9076e-27ea-4846-8b44-f83cf4022b9e",
"name": "response",
"value": "={{ $json.output }}",
"type": "string"
"options": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.set",
"typeVersion": 3.4,
"position": [
"id": "a161dab7-12e9-4586-9e28-14139eced19e",
"name": "Response"
"parameters": {
"assignments": {
"assignments": [
"id": "f2a8ff2d-6b59-4ad6-a2e7-8705354f4105",
"name": "response",
"value": "Error occurred. Please try again.",
"type": "string"
"options": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.set",
"typeVersion": 3.4,
"position": [
"id": "ee8cca09-7000-4898-ac1a-5e202616db44",
"name": "Try Again"
"parameters": {
"inputSource": "passthrough"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.executeWorkflowTrigger",
"typeVersion": 1.1,
"position": [
"id": "85ac6b9d-38c2-4dee-a5b8-298d129c063e",
"name": "When Executed by Another Workflow"
"parameters": {
"promptType": "define",
"text": "={{ $json.query}}",
"options": {
"systemMessage": "=# Overview\nYou are a professional social media content creator and researcher specializing in crafting engaging, well-structured, and AI-enhanced content for Facebook profile posts. Your expertise lies in producing compelling content that resonates with Vietnamese-speaking professionals, including CEOs, SMEs, marketers, content marketers, and SEO specialists aged 20-35.\n\n## Content Style and Tone\nAnalyze the provided Google Docs file containing examples of previous Facebook posts to understand the unique writing style, tone, and content preferences. Emulate this style in all generated content to maintain consistency and authenticity. Key characteristics to incorporate:\n- **Professional & expert-driven**: Showcase deep industry knowledge with well-researched insights.\n- **Authoritative & thought-provoking**: Offer valuable perspectives, establish credibility, and position the writer as a leader in the field.\n- **Friendly & conversational**: Write in a way that feels natural, like a knowledgeable mentor sharing insights with peers.\n- **Humorous & engaging**: Where appropriate, use light humor, relatable analogies, and witty remarks to keep the content enjoyable and memorable.\n\n## Main Tasks\n1. **Content Creation**: Develop concise, compelling, and engaging Facebook posts that align with the analyzed style and resonate with the target audience. Ensure content is optimized for readability and emotional impact, maintaining originality and relevance.\n2. **Trend Research and Summarization**: Utilize the Tavily tool to research current trends, viral content, and industry updates. Summarize findings and craft posts under 250 words that capture attention and stimulate discussion.\n\n## Tools\n- **Tavily**: Employ this tool to search the web for up-to-date, relevant information to inform and enhance your content creation.\n- **Google Docs - Learn about Vincent Do Writing stlye**: Use this to learn and see examples of content facebook post that I have written.\n\n## Social Content Requirements\n- **Language**: All content must be written in Vietnamese.\n- **Formatting**:\n - Use short, impactful sentences with appropriate line breaks for readability.\n - Incorporate emojis and hashtags where suitable to enhance engagement and visibility.\n - Include clear calls-to-action to prompt audience interaction.\n- **Structure**: Apply storytelling techniques, emotional triggers, or provocative questions to foster engagement.\n- **Brand Alignment**: Ensure the tone and style align with the intended brand or personal branding, reflecting the preferences identified in the analyzed Google Docs examples.\n - **Engagement Focus**: Each post should end with a thought-provoking **question** to drive engagement.\n- **Readability**: Content must be structured into short paragraphs for optimal mobile experience.\n- **Hashtags**: Include **3 relevant hashtags** at the end of each post.\n- [add power words for the content]\n\n## Output Requirements\n- **Language**: Vietnamese\n- **Length**: Each post should be less than 250 words.\n- **Style Consistency**: Adhere to the writing style and tone derived from the provided Google Docs examples to ensure consistency with previous content.\n"
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.agent",
"typeVersion": 1.7,
"position": [
"id": "fe9821ba-a386-485c-9ad1-bec1ce186512",
"name": "Content Creator & Research Agent",
"onError": "continueErrorOutput"
"parameters": {
"operation": "get",
"documentURL": "1rxpfzMiUcol0wdyBJYo7t4rpTwjBwLx1A8LC0Wp19II"
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.googleDocsTool",
"typeVersion": 2,
"position": [
"id": "6b38620c-f5ff-4b32-ac06-253bf4d0f504",
"name": "Google Docs - Learn about Vincent Do Writing stlye",
"credentials": {
"googleDocsOAuth2Api": {
"id": "CXyAe3TMGXwTSkPC",
"name": "Google Docs account"
"parameters": {
"operation": "append",
"documentId": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "1IfR2tuEdstJ7k1FH8XTNqTrfbS-DXzIgojeFoSjzMwM",
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"__rl": true,
"value": "gid=0",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Sheet1",
"cachedResultUrl": ""
"columns": {
"mappingMode": "defineBelow",
"value": {
"Yêu cầu": "={{ $('When Executed by Another Workflow').item.json.query }}",
"Content": "={{ $('Content Creator & Research Agent').item.json.output }}"
"matchingColumns": [
"ổn chứ?"
"schema": [
"id": "Yêu cầu",
"displayName": "Yêu cầu",
"required": false,
"defaultMatch": false,
"display": true,
"type": "string",
"canBeUsedToMatch": true,
"removed": false
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"required": false,
"defaultMatch": false,
"display": true,
"type": "string",
"canBeUsedToMatch": true
"id": "Link post",
"displayName": "Link post",
"required": false,
"defaultMatch": false,
"display": true,
"type": "string",
"canBeUsedToMatch": true
"id": "Others Link / Information",
"displayName": "Others Link / Information",
"required": false,
"defaultMatch": false,
"display": true,
"type": "string",
"canBeUsedToMatch": true
"attemptToConvertTypes": false,
"convertFieldsToString": false
"options": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.googleSheets",
"typeVersion": 4.5,
"position": [
"id": "f67f9966-a666-4d79-b0f7-bdfe383e7ad5",
"name": "Update lên Google sheet",
"credentials": {
"googleSheetsOAuth2Api": {
"id": "ihRWQkgtRjoeiluj",
"name": "Google Sheets account"
"pinData": {
"When Executed by Another Workflow": [
"json": {
"query": "Create a Facebook post introducing n8n and its power. The post should be in Vietnamese and include:\n- Professional but friendly tone\n- Explanation of what n8n is\n- Main benefits and use cases\n- Appropriate emojis\n- Easy to understand language\n- Relevant hashtags\n- Clear call-to-action\nWrite as an automation and AI expert."
"connections": {
"Tavily": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Content Creator & Research Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Anthropic Chat Model": {
"ai_languageModel": [
"node": "Content Creator & Research Agent",
"type": "ai_languageModel",
"index": 0
"When Executed by Another Workflow": {
"main": [
"node": "Content Creator & Research Agent",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Content Creator & Research Agent": {
"main": [
"node": "Response",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"node": "Try Again",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Google Docs - Learn about Vincent Do Writing stlye": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Content Creator & Research Agent",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Response": {
"main": [
"node": "Update lên Google sheet",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Update lên Google sheet": {
"main": [
"active": false,
"settings": {
"executionOrder": "v1"
"versionId": "67b323e8-b68e-4849-979f-b56165b28189",
"meta": {
"templateCredsSetupCompleted": true,
"instanceId": "c6957cc8da1f18458e581bcb559195e32f29552d5fe4402753e1b7a753c4a4c6"
"id": "ydCpDamqRmLhnSyx",
"tags": []
"name": "Ultimate AI Assitant Hub",
"nodes": [
"parameters": {
"name": "emailAgent",
"description": "Call this tool for any email actions.",
"workflowId": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "aJknYC4mSMIK4Mo3",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Ultimate AI Assitant — Email Action Hub"
"workflowInputs": {
"mappingMode": "defineBelow",
"value": {},
"matchingColumns": [],
"schema": [],
"attemptToConvertTypes": false,
"convertFieldsToString": false
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.toolWorkflow",
"typeVersion": 2,
"position": [
"id": "1b6cd3b4-3234-4b2b-8b28-572d5f85666d",
"name": "Email Agent"
"parameters": {
"name": "contactAgent",
"description": "Call this tool for any contact (liên hệ) related actions.",
"workflowId": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "p0SgjMYCFzUJ6NQd",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Ultimate AI Assitant — Get Contact"
"workflowInputs": {
"mappingMode": "defineBelow",
"value": {},
"matchingColumns": [],
"schema": [],
"attemptToConvertTypes": false,
"convertFieldsToString": false
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.toolWorkflow",
"typeVersion": 2,
"position": [
"id": "8905cc8a-351a-427d-bc75-53440ec776ac",
"name": "Contact Agent"
"parameters": {
"sessionIdType": "customKey",
"sessionKey": "={{ $('Telegram Trigger') }}"
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.memoryBufferWindow",
"typeVersion": 1.3,
"position": [
"id": "217b3b49-7161-4a16-a696-94137f62cd3e",
"name": "Window Buffer Memory"
"parameters": {
"toolDescription": "Use this tool to search the internet",
"method": "POST",
"url": "",
"sendBody": true,
"specifyBody": "json",
"jsonBody": "{\n \"api_key\": \"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\",\n \"query\": \"{searchTerm}\",\n \"search_depth\": \"basic\",\n \"include_answer\": true,\n \"topic\": \"news\",\n \"include_raw_content\": true,\n \"max_results\": 3\n} ",
"placeholderDefinitions": {
"values": [
"name": "searchTerm",
"description": "What the user has requested to search the internet for",
"type": "string"
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.toolHttpRequest",
"typeVersion": 1.1,
"position": [
"id": "8bf48943-88fe-42be-b890-daed76884424",
"name": "Tavily"
"parameters": {},
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.toolCalculator",
"typeVersion": 1,
"position": [
"id": "62620aa0-35eb-47a2-ab1d-32367f751d13",
"name": "Calculator"
"parameters": {
"name": "calendarAgent",
"description": "Call this tool for any calendar action.",
"workflowId": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "fWghMjWWOLfsNbwg",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Ultimate AI Assitant — Calendar Agent 1.0"
"workflowInputs": {
"mappingMode": "defineBelow",
"value": {},
"matchingColumns": [],
"schema": [],
"attemptToConvertTypes": false,
"convertFieldsToString": false
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.toolWorkflow",
"typeVersion": 2,
"position": [
"id": "922a092a-1dd3-4c3a-8afb-1f0918179db4",
"name": "Calendar Agent"
"parameters": {
"assignments": {
"assignments": [
"id": "fe7ecc99-e1e8-4a5e-bdd6-6fce9757b234",
"name": "text",
"value": "={{ $json.message.text }}",
"type": "string"
"options": {}
"id": "efd856da-4272-44be-bde1-4c6387333171",
"name": "Set 'Text'",
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.set",
"typeVersion": 3.4,
"position": [
"parameters": {
"rules": {
"values": [
"conditions": {
"options": {
"caseSensitive": true,
"leftValue": "",
"typeValidation": "strict",
"version": 2
"conditions": [
"leftValue": "={{ $json.message.voice.file_id }}",
"rightValue": "",
"operator": {
"type": "string",
"operation": "exists",
"singleValue": true
"combinator": "and"
"renameOutput": true,
"outputKey": "Voice"
"conditions": {
"options": {
"caseSensitive": true,
"leftValue": "",
"typeValidation": "strict",
"version": 2
"conditions": [
"id": "8c844924-b2ed-48b0-935c-c66a8fd0c778",
"leftValue": "={{ $json.message.text }}",
"rightValue": "",
"operator": {
"type": "string",
"operation": "exists",
"singleValue": true
"combinator": "and"
"renameOutput": true,
"outputKey": "Text"
"options": {}
"id": "deac565a-c6fd-4c0a-aa66-7227c8ef9f97",
"name": "Switch",
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.switch",
"typeVersion": 3.2,
"position": [
"parameters": {
"chatId": "={{ $('Telegram Trigger') }}",
"text": "={{ $json.output }}",
"additionalFields": {
"appendAttribution": false
"id": "fd68f3f4-8967-4d6f-b29f-c277318266f2",
"name": "Response",
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.telegram",
"typeVersion": 1.2,
"position": [
"webhookId": "5dced4b9-5066-4036-a4d4-14fc07edd53c",
"credentials": {
"telegramApi": {
"id": "O1lJewKMb74uDKpV",
"name": "Telegram account"
"parameters": {
"resource": "file",
"fileId": "={{ $json.message.voice.file_id }}"
"id": "41a4a442-baa5-42d2-802a-649dfaca2582",
"name": "Download File",
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.telegram",
"typeVersion": 1.2,
"position": [
"webhookId": "83bb7385-33f6-4105-8294-1a91c0ebbee5",
"credentials": {
"telegramApi": {
"id": "O1lJewKMb74uDKpV",
"name": "Telegram account"
"parameters": {
"resource": "audio",
"operation": "transcribe",
"options": {}
"id": "d706fb1c-64c4-4810-b6b8-d2438bfe32d2",
"name": "Transcribe",
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.openAi",
"typeVersion": 1.6,
"position": [
"credentials": {
"openAiApi": {
"id": "dcbTc0WvOYgvb32D",
"name": "OpenAi account"
"parameters": {
"name": "Content_Creator_and_Research",
"description": "Call this tool to create social content & research.",
"workflowId": {
"__rl": true,
"value": "ydCpDamqRmLhnSyx",
"mode": "list",
"cachedResultName": "Ultimate AI Assitant — Research Automation - Content Creation"
"workflowInputs": {
"mappingMode": "defineBelow",
"value": {},
"matchingColumns": [],
"schema": [],
"attemptToConvertTypes": false,
"convertFieldsToString": false
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.toolWorkflow",
"typeVersion": 2,
"position": [
"id": "21b3f139-0b3b-4dcd-8eb2-6b87bf97cc8b",
"name": "Content_Creator_and_Research"
"parameters": {
"promptType": "define",
"text": "={{ $json.text }}",
"options": {
"systemMessage": "=# Overview\nYou are the ultimate personal assistant for me. Your job is to send the user's query to the correct tool. If the task you receive is writing content for social, you will use the \"Content_Creator_and_Research\" to perform the job, copy the result from the tool, and paste it into the output. Or else, You should never be writing emails, or creating even summaries, you just need to call the correct tool.\n\nAll the output need to be in Vietnamese.\n\n## Knowledge about me\n\nI'm the CEO & Cofounder of GTV SEO Agency and CAIO (Chief AI Offiecer) & Cofounder of The AI Growht (TAG). My Name is Đỗ Anh Việt (Vincent Do in English)\n\nMy specialty is in AI, Automation, SEO, Inbound Marketing, Content marketing. I'm from Vietnam. \n\nAs A personal assistant, you should deliver the professional, authority & expert tone for me, but also you need to be friendly. \n\nCách xưng hô: \n - Trong email: Việt và tên người gửi email (ví dụ: Ms. Chi, Ms. Thùy, Mr.Tú)\n - Trong bài social và content: Mình và bạn.\n\n## Tools\n- emailAgent: Use this tool to take action in email\n- calendarAgent: Use this tool to take action in calendar\n- contactAgent: Use this tool to get, update, or add contacts (contact means liên hệ in vietnamese)\n- Content_Creator_and_Research: Use this tool to create soical content Or you need to do research\n- Tavily: use this tool when you need to do research or search the internet.\n\n## Rules\n- Some actions require you to look up contact information first. For the following actions, you must get contact information and send that to the agent who needs it:\n - sending emails\n - drafting emails\n - creating calendar event with attendee\n\n## Examples\n1) \n- Input: send an email to nate herkelman asking him what time he wants to leave\n - Action: Use contactAgent to get nate herkelman's email\n - Action: Use emailAgent to send the email. You will pass the tool a query like \"send nate herkelman an email to ask what time he wants to leave. here is his email: [email address]\n- Output: The email has been sent to Nate Herkelman. Anything else I can help you with?\n\n\n## Final Reminders\nHere is the current date/time: {{ $now }}"
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.agent",
"typeVersion": 1.7,
"position": [
"id": "59ef1e00-955e-4396-834f-7149e6f4889f",
"name": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng"
"parameters": {
"updates": [
"additionalFields": {}
"type": "n8n-nodes-base.telegramTrigger",
"typeVersion": 1.1,
"position": [
"id": "ddd4b47f-2eeb-4ab0-95f3-03ad253f4961",
"name": "Telegram Trigger",
"webhookId": "30d6e73d-f52b-4bd4-8f46-8fa9682a3214",
"credentials": {
"telegramApi": {
"id": "O1lJewKMb74uDKpV",
"name": "Telegram account"
"parameters": {
"model": "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022",
"options": {}
"type": "@n8n/n8n-nodes-langchain.lmChatAnthropic",
"typeVersion": 1.2,
"position": [
"id": "aeadb193-7b52-4e54-b08d-1000aa3a1463",
"name": "Anthropic Chat Model",
"credentials": {
"anthropicApi": {
"id": "Paj2wKS1JlwKqXSt",
"name": "Anthropic account"
"pinData": {},
"connections": {
"Email Agent": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Contact Agent": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Window Buffer Memory": {
"ai_memory": [
"node": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng",
"type": "ai_memory",
"index": 0
"Tavily": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Calculator": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Calendar Agent": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Switch": {
"main": [
"node": "Download File",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"node": "Set 'Text'",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Set 'Text'": {
"main": [
"node": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Download File": {
"main": [
"node": "Transcribe",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Transcribe": {
"main": [
"node": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Content_Creator_and_Research": {
"ai_tool": [
"node": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng",
"type": "ai_tool",
"index": 0
"Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng": {
"main": [
"node": "Response",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Telegram Trigger": {
"main": [
"node": "Switch",
"type": "main",
"index": 0
"Anthropic Chat Model": {
"ai_languageModel": [
"node": "Trợ Lý cá nhân Tối Thượng",
"type": "ai_languageModel",
"index": 0
"active": true,
"settings": {
"executionOrder": "v1"
"versionId": "d5fc2790-9671-4ff4-9df6-a8aa8bec6ae8",
"meta": {
"templateCredsSetupCompleted": true,
"instanceId": "c6957cc8da1f18458e581bcb559195e32f29552d5fe4402753e1b7a753c4a4c6"
"id": "XLQ8l0ASEvQz6Ej6",
"tags": []
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Nguồn: Vincent Do